Is the Boundaries Laboratory right for you?

  • Do you struggle to set limits on how much you help others?

  • Do you feel tense, tired, overwhelmed or resentful in particular relationships?

  • Do you feel fear when it's time to say no or negotiate a limit?

  • Do you want to set clear boundaries from the inside out?

  • Do you want to have time, energy and space for your own needs?

  • Do you want to add depth to relationships by allowing your real self to show up?

Come join me in the Boundaries Laboratory

As a Registered Clinical Counsellor, I've spent years helping people to get in touch with their own needs and wants, and gain confidence in setting boundaries to protect these needs. 

I actually began by teaching myself: in the family where I grew up, I wasn't allowed to set healthy boundaries, and that had an impact on my life and relationships as an adult. I spent a lot of time and money reading books, taking workshops and going to therapy. And then I found the trauma-based healing of Somatic Experiencing. This is a gentle, body-based approach that provides the most effective tools I've ever experienced for clarifying and strengthening boundaries.

That's what's offered through the Boundaries Laboratory. In this program, you'll be given the skills and support to help you find balance, peace and freedom in your dealings with others. 

This will be the third time that I've offered this material in a group. If you join the pilot, you'll save 15% off the cost and pay $177 for the full six weeks. I'll be fine-tuning the program to make sure that we achieve the results that you're looking for. I'm going to ask you for feedback and suggestions, and you'll get a program that is tailored to your learning style and situation. You'll be able to work on your specific blocks, save money and know that you've helped everyone who takes the program in future!

What's Included?
Weekly live meetings with a clinical counsellor
Structured exercises to help you identify and express your needs and wants in daily life
Exploration to discover which tools work best for you
Integration of what we're learning into your real-life relationships
Support from our community of boundary experts
Bonus: as a pilot participant, your questions, concerns and requests will shape the program - you'll have the advantages of private counselling without the cost.

Imagine noticing that you are uncomfortable with a particular request, and feeling free to say 'no'.

Imagine being able to find solutions to people and situations which leave you feeling resentful, overwhelmed or trapped. 

That's our goal in the Boundaries Laboratory. If that sounds worth your time and energy, read on!

"We all have an inner voice, and we need to cultivate listening to that inner voice. It took me years - I knew I had an inner voice, but listening to her was something else. Listening to, respecting and following that inner voice regardless of the outside chatter going on. That's our North Star." - Boundaries Lab contributor

What do others say?

A Life Changer

Boundaries have always been hard for me so the class fit perfectly into my need for healing. The exercises were practical, I loved having a somatic approach to both learning and experiencing where my boundaries are weak and how to help myself have healthier boundaries. All the content is applicable to real life and we worked with our personal situations in our learning and testing out the material. Stephanie's support was fabulous and gentle, with a huge emphasis on safety in all ways. I found this class extremely nourishing.


The course definitely helped me focus in on my thoughts and actions around boundaries. Immediately after using new techniques I felt less anxious and felt I had more options to employ. Included readings and exercises gave me lots of resources for the future.

Wonderful Program!

Well-thought out program, led by a thoughtful and caring counsellor in a safe setting. This program helped me realize how important it is to understand the role that boundaries play in our lives and relationships. I would heartily recommend this experience!

Stephanie is a lifeline in this crazy thing called life. Bringing many tools to the table, Stephanie is able to gently reach into the heart and facilitate the extraction of healing. I always feel heard and understood. Thank you for all you do Stephanie.

During a low ebb in my life, I learned to advocate so much better thanks to you. Few people are a pivotal centre in society, where they make the world a better place. I met one in you, and I consider myself the better for it.


  • How often do we meet?

    We meet each week (for 6 weeks) for 90 minutes via video conference to explore a particular step, tool or difficulty in setting boundaries. During that week, you choose where and when to practice what you are learning in the real world. You bring that experience back to the group, and we help you to refine your skills.

  • What support is available during the program?

    This program creates a community of experts in boundary issues. Our group provides encouragement, perspective and support to you as you begin to change old patterns of thinking and behaviour. The Boundaries Laboratory community remains open to you as long as you choose, for years after you complete the program.

  • What resources are provided?

    During the program, I'll post video and audio snippets, as well as handouts, to help you practice and integrate what we are learning. In addition, we'll all be sharing thoughts, discoveries and lived experiences - acting as resources for each other. You'll continue to have lifetime access to our community.

  • Will my information be private and secure?

    I've put a lot of thought and work into ensuring that the program is confidential. The online platforms that host the Boundaries Laboratory meet the confidentiality requirements for the provision of counselling, so you can feel comfortable that your personal information is secure.

  • What if the program isn't right for me?

    There's no risk - you can try the program for a week, and if you're not satisfied, you'll receive a full refund, no questions asked.

How Will This Help Me?

This program does more than give examples of words you can say - it digs deep to connect you to the healthy patterns of self-protection that you were born with.

You'll spend less time avoiding unwelcome requests, and have more energy for the activities that feed YOU.

You'll feel more authentic in your relationships, as you allow your true self to show up.

You'll have the support of our Boundaries Lab community when you're making tough decisions.

Invest in yourself, your energy, your health and your future. Ask yourself: would I spend this much to help someone I love?

Find the balance in relationships

Enjoy clarity, peace and freedom